Why register?
You can benefit a lot
from registration,
Convert your trial
version into full version
Remove the registration
reminder window
Translate lengthy
paragraphs with Cute Translator
Upgrade to the latest
version free of charge
Get unlimited support
Be a member of the Cute
Translator community
Support our product and
make it better in the future
How to purchase/buy/order
Cute Translator?
You can purchase a
single or multiple licenses for Cute Translator with share-it!, our
order processing partner. Share-it! accepts the following payment
Credit Card
Wire Transfer
Bank Check
Purchase Order
Purchase by credit card
We accept major credit cards,

order Cute Translator online with your credit card, and the online
ordering is 100% secure.
Purchase by wire transfer
or bank check
fill in the secure order form, your order will be generated and you will
get instructions on how to wire transfer or send bank check to us.
Purchase by PO (Purchase
As a corporate client, you can
generally order using a purchase order. Please send us your official
order on company letterhead by mail or fax. Please include the following
information so we can process your order more quickly:
The product name Cute Translator
The quantity you wish to order
The name the product license
will be issued to
Your billing address and your
delivery address, if different
Name, phone and fax number for
the contact person for your order
The e-mail address to which the
order confirmation and invoice should be sent, and your e-mail
delivery address, if different
Your requested billing currency
Service USA
(Language: English):
c/o Digital River, Inc.
10380 Bren Road West
Minnetonka, MN 55343, USA
Phone: +1 952 646-5747 (for calls from outside the U.S.) or +1 800 903
4152 (for calls from inside the U.S.)
Fax: +1 952 646-4552
Customer Service Germany
(Languages: German/ English/ French/ Italian/ Spanish/ Portuguese)
share-it! - Digital River GmbH
c/o Digital River Ireland Ltd.
Unit 153
Shannon Free Zone West
Shannon Co. Clare
Phone: +49 221 31088-20
Fax: +49 221 31088-29
Phone: +49 221 31088-20
Fax: +49 221 31088-29